Dear friends! If you are a cosplayer, cosplay follows you everywhere. Hoping we can make you all happy by saying that you won’t have time to feel bored in the autumn! Our second festival of interactive entertainment WEGAME will take place in ACCO International Center on 10-11 September 2016!
This time even more impressions and drive are waiting for you. And the main thing – the best cosplayers will be able to compete for the prize pool of UAH 20 000!
Those who attended the first WEGAME festival definitely remember its friendly atmosphere, amazing performances and a whole range of entertainment – video games, virtual reality and many other things. WEGAME is growing and expanding, quests, table games, souvenirs, and new gadgets are waiting for you… Not a single guest of our festival will be able to twiddle his thumbs!
Performances will be held in the form of fashion show in the following categories:
Comics and fiction.
Video games.
Films, TV series and cartoons.
Anime and manga.
Cosplay by children (from 3 to 11 years of age) in any category or in original costumes.
Cosplay by participants aged from 12 to 17 in any category or in original costumes.
Costumes, previously shown during other festivals, are also accepted.
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